A Quantum Engineering Focused Linux Distro From Scratch — Day 13
I put the distro (pre source download) up on github @ https://github.com/comp-phys-marc/quantum-linux and already got one GitHub ★. Having the updater script helped the root fit in a github repo without my having to use git lfs (large file storage — not to be confused with Linux From Scratch).
Where I left off on the transpiler side of things, the task of typing out bit-wise combinational logic using the PhysicalExpression::Add and PhysicalExpression::Mul structs seemed dire, especially for the larger data types.
So, I started putting together some tooling to help me with this. I noticed a few connections between the task I had to do and group theory. Namely, the numbers I was working with were all modulo n since they all existed within data type size limitations. Second, I would want to synthesize combinational representations of individual operations like u64.mul and u64.add. These each defined an operation between numbers — members of a group of numbers modulo n — that brought two numbers in the group to another number in the group. Or read, of the same data type.
I had a basic group implementation in Python kicking around.
class Group:
def __init__(self, operation, members, identity) -> None:
if operation is not None:
self.operation = operation
raise ValueError("A composition operation must be provided with a Group.")
if identity is not None:
self.identity = identity
raise ValueError("An identity element must be provided with a Group.")
if isinstance(members, list):
self.members = []
for pair in members:
if not (isinstance(pair, list) and len(pair) == 2) \
or self.operation(*pair) != self.identity \
or self.operation(*pair.reverse()) != self.identity:
raise ValueError("Group members must be provided in pairs of inverses.")
if self.operation(pair[0], self.identity) != pair[0] \
or self.operation(pair[1], self.identity) == pair[1]:
raise ValueError("Group members composed with the identity must not change.")
self.members += pair
class Abelian(Group):
def __init__(self, operation, members, identity) -> None:
super().__init__(operation, members, identity)
self.commutative = True
I added a method to generate a table of compositions. Think truth tables from digital logic, only more abstract.
def generate_table(self):
self.table = {}
if self.commutative:
for [first, second] in itertools.combinations(self.members, 2):
res = self.operation(first, second)
self.table[res] = [first, second]
for [first, second] in itertools.permutations(self.members, 2):
res = self.operation(first, second)
self.table[res] = [first, second]
I realized that in order to generate a truth table for a u64.mul instruction, for example, I would have to know the mod inverses of every number between 0 and 18446744073709551615 to use the existing code. So, I relaxed the constraints on the Group by creating a PseudoGroup that could be used to find mod n inverses x of numbers y such that y * x = 1 mod n by brute force instead of by use of the extended euclidean algorithm.
class PseudoGroup:
Relaxes the constraints of a Group. Useful for solving mod n
inverses so that a proper Group can be constructed next.
def __init__(self, operation, members, identity) -> None:
if operation is not None:
self.operation = operation
raise ValueError("A composition operation must be provided with a Group.")
if identity is not None:
self.identity = identity
raise ValueError("An identity element must be provided with a Group.")
if isinstance(members, list):
self.members = members
self.commutative = None
self.table = {}
I added a Binary PseudoGroup to help me with my circuit synthesis, complete with a truth table generation method that was could handle different bit lengths.
class Binary(PseudoGroup):
def __init__(self, operation, members, identity, data_type=None, symbol="o") -> None:
super().__init__(self, operation, members, identity)
self.data_type = data_type
self.symbol = symbol
self.expressions = []
self.minterms = []
def generate_table(self):
self.table = {}
def save_with_type(res, first, second):
if self.data_type == "I8":
self.table["{0:08b}".format(res)] = ["{0:08b}".format(first), "{0:08b}".format(second)]
elif self.data_type == "I32":
self.table["{0:32b}".format(res)] = ["{0:32b}".format(first), "{0:32b}".format(second)]
elif self.data_type == "I64":
self.table["{0:64b}".format(res)] = ["{0:64b}".format(first), "{0:64b}".format(second)]
# TODO: support more data types
if self.commutative:
for [first, second] in itertools.combinations(self.members, 2):
res = self.operation(first, second)
if not self.data_type:
self.table[res] = [first, second]
save_with_type(res, first, second)
for [first, second] in itertools.permutations(self.members, 2):
res = self.operation(first, second)
if not self.data_type:
self.table[res] = [first, second]
save_with_type(res, first, second)
I put together a very simple brute-force approach to constructing SOP (Sum of Product) boolean expressions for each of the bits in the truth tables. Check out the repo for the logic simplification helper method’s source — it’s a bit long.
def synthesize_logic(self, simplify=False, verbose=False):
if self.data_type == "I32":
expressions = [[] for p in range(32)]
minterms = [[] for p in range(32)]
elif self.data_type == "I64":
expressions = [[] for p in range(64)]
minterms = [[] for p in range(64)]
elif self.data_type == "I8":
expressions = [[] for p in range(8)]
minterms = [[] for p in range(8)]
# TODO: support more data types
for (res, operands) in self.table.items():
for p in range(len(res)):
if res[p] == "1":
boolean_exp = ""
j = -1
for o in range(2):
label = "b"
if o == 0:
label = "a"
for b in operands[o]:
j += 1
o_bit = f" {label}{j}"
if b == "1":
if boolean_exp != "":
boolean_exp += f" * {o_bit}"
boolean_exp += o_bit
if not boolean_exp in expressions[p]:
if verbose:
for i in range(len(expressions)):
perm_bit = "c{i} ="
perm_bit_exps = expressions[i]
perm_bit_total_exp = perm_bit + " + ".join(perm_bit_exps)
if simplify:
expressions, minterms = self._simplify_logic(expressions, minterms, verbose)
self.expressions = expressions
self.minterms = minterms
With this in place I could write short scripts to generate the tables and calculate expressions for data types. Here are examples for I32 and u64.
u64 operations
def mul(first, second):
return int("{0:64b}".format(first * second), 2)
def add(first, second):
return int("{0:64b}".format(first + second), 2)
I32 operations
def mul(first, second):
res = first * second
magnitude = "{0:31b}".format(res)
if res < 0:
return - int(magnitude, 2)
return int(magnitude, 2)
def add(first, second):
res = first + second
magnitude = "{0:31b}".format(res)
if res < 0:
return - int(magnitude, 2)
return int(magnitude, 2)
u64 members
members = []
# the maximum 64 bit unsigned integer
for member in range(18446744073709551615):
I32 members
members = []
for member in range(-2147483647, 2147483647):
u64 class usage
multiplicative_group = Binary(
additive_group = Binary(
multiplicative_group.synthesize_logic(verbose=True, simplify=True)
additive_group.synthesize_logic(verbose=True, simplify=True)
I32 class usage
multiplicative_group = Binary(
additive_group = Binary(
multiplicative_group.synthesize_logic(verbose=True, simplify=True)
additive_group.synthesize_logic(verbose=True, simplify=True)
I ran the I32 script to generate some expressions but ran into a random debugger disconnection error after an hour of building out the members list.
I realized I might have to improve the implementation for performance. Of course, the synthesis would have to be improved anyhow. I didn’t take digital electronics in university for nothing and could do better than brute force. I had also begun to collect papers that discussed particular implementations of these operations.